Create enterprise level server-side TypeScript applications. For REST, GraphQL, and Microservices.
Write Apollo GraphQL resolvers in a OOP fashion with TypeScript decorators.
Lightweight Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection for TypeScript applications.
TCP-based Redis-like Pub/Sub type of message broker, almost configuration-less.
Node.js framework for backend applications.
- Modular
- Setup REST endpoints in no time
- Microservices
$ npx peque new project-name
import { Controller, Get, Module, PequeFactory } from '@pequehq/framework';
class MyController {
hello() {
return { test: 'hello world' };
@Module({ controllers: [MyController] })
class MyModule {}
const webserver = PequeFactory.createServer({
cors: true,
isCpuClustered: false,
rootModule: MyModule,
OOP transposition of Apollo Server resolvers.
- Code resolvers in an OOP fashion
- Use decorators like @Query() and @Mutation()
- Easy testable
$ npm i @pequehq/graphql reflect-metadata
import { Resolver, ResolverService } from '@pequehq/graphql';
class ResolverExample {
countries(@Args('continent') continent: string): unknown {
return [
{ id: 1, name: 'italy', continent: 'europe' },
{ id: 2, name: 'spain', continent: 'europe' },
{ id: 3, name: 'china', continent: 'asia' },
].filter((country) => country.continent === continent);
const resolverService = new ResolverService();
const resolvers = resolverService.get([new ResolverExample()]);
// Add resolvers to your Apollo Server.
IoC Container
TypeScript Dependency Injection.
- Easy dependency injection
- Use it in backend or frontend apps
- Full TypeScript support
$ npm i @pequehq/di reflect-metadata
import { Container, Injectable } from '@pequehq/di';
class Foo {
getPizza() {
return 'pizza';
class Bar {
constructor(private foo: Foo) {}
test() {
const DI = new Container();
DI.set(Foo, 'Foo');
DI.set(Bar, 'Bar');
DI.get<Bar>('Bar').test(); // prints "pizza"
Message Broker
TCP-based Message Broker.
- Event-driven
- Lightweight client dependency (< 100 KB)
- Almost configuration-less
$ npx peque add smb
import { BrokerFactory } from '@pequehq/smb-broker';
const broker = new BrokerFactory().createBroker();
broker.create().then(() => {
// things.
import { BrokerClientFactory } from '@pequehq/smb-client';
const client = new BrokerClientFactory().make();
await client.connect({ connectionTimeout: 10000 });
client.subscribe('^topic', (command) => {
console.log(command.action.message); // prints {"test":"message"}
client.message('topic', { test: 'message' });