The container is that component where providers declarations are registered in order to be resolved in a second time whenever its injection are requested.
import { Container, Injectable } from '@pequehq/di';
class Foo {
getPizza() {
return 'pizza';
const DI = new Container();
DI.set(Foo, 'Foo');
Implicit set
You can also register the providers directly within the Container
import { Container, Injectable } from '@pequehq/di';
class Foo {
getPizza() {
return 'pizza';
const DI = new Container({ providers: [Foo] });
Normally, the binding of the register is implicit, which means it is the provider itself (self), but in the case you want to perform an inversion of control of a provider in favor of another, you can specify an explicit binding in order to tell the container to resolve the initial provider with the bound one.
import { Container, Injectable } from '@pequehq/di';
class Provider {
test() {
return 'pizza';
class NewProvider {
test() {
return 'hotdog';
const DI = new Container();
// Register with explicit binding.
DI.set(Provider, 'Provider').to(NewProvider);
DI.set(NewProvider, 'NewProvider');
// Resolve.
DI.get('Provider').test(); // prints "hotdog";
The resolve process takes care of resolving and injecting all the dependencies for the requested providers in order to finally deliver a working instance of it.
import { Container, Injectable } from '@pequehq/di';
class Foo {
getPizza() {
return 'pizza';
class Bar {
constructor(private foo: Foo) {}
test() {
// Implicit register.
const DI = new Container({ providers: [Foo, Bar] });
// Resolve.
DI.get<Bar>('Bar').test(); // prints "pizza".
It can also be possible to unset providers from the container.
import { Container, Injectable } from '@pequehq/di';
class Foo {
getPizza() {
return 'pizza';
// Implicit register.
const DI = new Container({ providers: [Foo] });
// Resolve.
DI.get<Foo>('Foo').test(); // prints "pizza".
// Unset.
DI.unset('Foo').test(); // prints "pizza".
Within the Container, you can intercept the init and the destroy events of the providers by defining specific callbacks inside the constructor options of the container itself.
import { Container, Injectable } from '@pequehq/di';
class Provider {
test() {
return 'pizza';
const DI = new Container({
onInit: (name: string, instance: ProviderInstance): void => console.log(name),
onDestroy: (name: string, instance: ProviderInstance): void => console.log(name),
// Register.
DI.set(Provider, 'Provider');
// Resolve.
DI.get('Provider').test(); // prints "hotdog" and triggers the onInit event.
// Unset.
DI.unset('Provider'); // it will trigger the onDestroy event.